2. As per the headline in Question #1, was the headline representative of the article? Please explain your reasoning in detail. (4 Marks)
Home » Assignment #2  »  2. As per the headline in Question #1, was the headline representative of the article? Please explain your reasoning in detail. (4 Marks)

In my opinion it was misleading for what the article had to say. It was “clickbait” as some would call it. 

The headline was misleading because the article was expected to explain how to get pre-approved within minutes but never supplied any tools or links to do so. This is frustrating for readers because it gives off the idea that by clicking on the headline and engaging you will be able to do the process straight from the article. 

The headline is promising immediate action that isn’t given to you so they are over promising their readers. This will lead to higher bounce rates because it is just another article about getting approved for a mortgage and how the process works.  

When reading that headline your mind automatically will think that by clicking you will be able to do this process and within minutes. They should have edited the “get” to “hot to get” so they would not be over-promising and misleading if they were just talking about the process and what it is. 

Overall the headline doesn’t match the content.

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