“Get Pre-Qualified for a Mortgage in Minutes”
This headline resonates with me because I just recently moved and was seeing many headlines that went along these lines. I also know many people in real-estate so I often see these types of headlines as well.
Promising an outcome and hits pain points:
When people are purchasing a home they have already spent long enough looking for one suitable for their lifestyle, they don't want extra long processes that don’t need to be. When buying a home a pain point is the distressed process of getting things in order such as the approval for your mortgage. This headline quickly offers a solution/outcome promising it to be a quick and easy task
By using the word “minutes” in the headline, this lays out an expected timeline for readers to go off of. From this little word they will understand it’s not going to be a long and horrid process like it usually would be anywhere else. Because of this clear and expected outcome, readers are more likely to click and engage with the site. They are more willing to take action with you first rather than a headline that doesn’t include a timeline or expectation for the readers.
Speaks to the audience:
This headline is clear and direct and speaks to me as the reader and touches on my needs. People who are trying to get a mortgage with someone don’t want the process to be long and confusing, they want things to be quick, easy, and structured. This headline clearly states what the readers and buyers are to expect by emphasizing the prequalified factor and quickly.
Convenience of the statement:
This headline brings out the time sensitivity that people look for. By telling readers this usually long process can be completed within minutes creates a curiosity gap influencing people to click and figure out more on why it is such a short process leaving them more engaged with the content being produced.